Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Putting It All Down

Often I have found that people come to me with random questions.  Some serious, some hypothetical, some bizarre, and even some to which a category doesn't exist.  Regardless of their reason or purpose, I try to give an appropriate answer or piece of advice (the advice often falls on deaf ears, but given non the less).

People have told me to write a book (half joking) about life experiences, my story and my bountiful amounts of "one day this information will come in handy" stock pile (some in my head and other in my possession).

So... here I am, dipping my toes in the water to see what happens.  In black and white my jumbled thoughts, rants, stories and even tips, tricks, (stories of) twins and toddlers will be here for you to enjoy, use and learn from...hopefully.

My goal is to do this weekly and go from there.  Here goes nothing :-)